2008年6月25日 星期三

TEAM B:喂? "Hello?"

陳致宇 /吳依凡 /胡瑞真 /莊毅柔 /許馥凡 /鄭姬真 /陳俊文/程頤
Chen Chih-Yu / Wu I-Fan / Hu Jui-Chen / Chung Yi-Jou / Hsu Fu-Fan / Jung Hee-Jin / Chen Chun-Wen /Josef Bares


我們團隊,整合大家的想法;講訴人際之間關係的脆弱、若有似無的隱形牽連,那看不見的線,連結並提醒著我們。為了防止寂寞被孤立失落感,我們試著讓陌生的人們互動、製造連結;並印證溝通,畢竟人總是透過溝通延長自己的存在及價值,我們試圖向外索求愛與可能連結的一絲希望。 若一通匿名電話響起,你會走向它?或是置之不理?


Our team realized that what unites our work is the idea that the connection between people is fragile - that there is an invisible thread that unites us all and that we should be mindful of it. But that thread is not always apparent, this can cause a feeling of isolation. For that reason, we wanted to reach out to people to remind them and us that we are connected. In this way, we can validate our existence. Our aim with this work is to reach out for love and hope.

The alarm goes off: If an anonymous phone rings, will you take a chance and answer it? Or will you just ignore us?
