2008年6月25日 星期三

TEAM E’s : 機械宇宙:夜曲 Mechanical Universe: Nocturne

Mary Sherman / Yannick Franck / 陳長志 / 方彥翔
Mary Sherman / Yannick Franck 


這件Mary自波士頓帶來於關渡美術館完成的作品,是啟發自夜曲之形式,以及抽象畫家「惠斯德勒」薄暮意象中銀與灰極限調色及抽象調性。這些形式藉由「蒙特里安」般的抽象性舞蹈,在由比利時聲響藝術家Yannick Franck所特製的聲音中,回響著帶有詭譎的意念。為此,長志及彥翔覆蓋了與雕塑的移動拍子及聲響有關聯的LED燈的影像,去擴張視聽韻律之間的關係。

Mechanical Universe: Nocturne

This is a piece that I brought from Boston to finish while a resident at the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts. I have taken the idea of a nocturne and used a limited palette of silvers and grey to suggest Whistler's famous twilight images and his equal interest in the abstract qualities of limited tones.These formal effects have been channeled via Mondrian to create an abstracted choreography between the paintings, in order to echo the eerie sense of longing in the sounds contributed by the Belgian sound artist Yannick Franck. To this, Chang-Chih and Yen-Hsiang have overlaid a video of LED images, related to the tempo of the moving sculptures and their sounds, in order to amplify the relationship between the visual and aural rhythms.
